Terms & Conditions
Dear, Parent, Carer, Gymnast,
Welcome to Delyn Gymnastics Club, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in our club and to ensure you that we will do everything we can to make your experience within our club a pleasant one.
Below is our Club Code of Conduct, the rules we follow will meet both Welsh and British Gymnastics Guidelines, and will ensure a safe and happy club environment for gymnasts, parents and volunteers alike. Please read these carefully and ensure that you go through the Gymnasts Code of Conduct with your child.
If your child is unable to attend any sessions, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting us on our Facebook page or by emailing the addresses provided below. If we do not hear from you for more than three sessions we will assume your child no longer wishes to continue with the club and will offer their place to the next person on our waitlist.
All members of our club are also required to register as a member of British Gymnastics. This is to ensure that all gymnasts and coaches are fully covered under Welsh and British gymnastics insurance. As well as many other benefits, this will allow them to compete in many of the areas competitions. This must be done after your child completes their trial session. Attached is the link https://register.british-gymnastics.org/gymnet/register/registerstart Membership type is Recreational Gymnast.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask either at registration at the start of the session, on our facebook page or by emailing on headcoach@delyngymnastics.co.uk or (for Flint) secretary@delyngymnastics.co.uk or (for Holywell) admin.holywell@delyngymnastics.co.uk.
Club Code of Conduct – For Gymnasts
Always wear the correct attire i.e. tracksuit, leotard, leggings, shorts, t-shirt
Do not wear jewelry or body piercings. Hair must be tied back and not contain any beading
Do not run in the gym (unless warming up or working on the floor or vault)
Do not lie down on or in-between mats when you are waiting for further instructions
Co-operate at all times with the coaches and other gymnasts, behave in a courteous and friendly manner, and maintain high standards of sportsmanship
Respect your coach at all times and follow their instructions
If you arrive at the gym before any of the coaches, you MUST wait outside until a coach arrives
Do not play on the equipment before the session, during set up or pack away. Wait for the coaches instructions
Make sure that you know when you are being given instructions and listen to them
No pushing, pulling, pinching, biting or fighting with other club members
Do not bring food into the gym area. A drink is permitted to be with the gymnast at all times.
Do not bring canned or fizzy drinks. Water is advised during training.
Bad language will not be tolerated.
Treat the equipment with respect
Gymnasts must participate within the rules and respect coaches, judges and their decisions
Gymnasts must inform the head coach of any injuries or illness they may have before the warm- up begins
Gymnasts should remain with coaches at the end of a session until collected by their parent or guardian
If a gymnast needs to go to toilet during training they will go in pairs or a group with older gymnasts, but not alone.
Club Code of Conduct – For Parents
Help us to keep your child safe by encouraging them to learn the rules about safety and acceptable behaviour and to participate within them
Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Praise your child for effort and achievement, never punish or belittle a child for poor performance or making mistakes
Be a positive role model by recognising good sportsmanship and applauding the performances of all
Accept officials’ decisions in competition, addressing any queries through the Head Coach
Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport
Always ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the activity, such as leotard/tracksuit/shorts/leggings/t-shirts – no jewelry or body piercings (Earrings for newly pierced ears can remain in place but need to be protected by plasters or tape). The Head Coach must be advised of all jewelry or body adornments worn for religious or medical reasons so that a risk assessment can be made regarding personal safety
Always ensure your child brings plenty to drink. (Not fizzy drinks. Water is advisable)
Keep us informed if your child is ill or unable to attend sessions and notify pre-existing injuries or illness to the Head Coach. Ensure children arrive and are collected on time. Always come in to the facility to deliver and collect your child
Never leave your child before the session begins, as the coaches’ duty of care starts when their class begins. Remember they too have other commitments and may not be able to get to the gym exactly on time
If you decide that your child can go home unaccompanied you will need to provide a signed letter of consent taking full responsibility for their safety and specifying the dates and times for which you are giving permission
Use appropriate verbal and body language at all times. Offensive language or aggressive or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated
Show respect and support of the coaching team and their efforts to help your child
All session fees, competition entry fees and British/Welsh Gymnastic Membership fees must be paid promptly
Delyn Gymnastics Club Anti-Bullying Strategy
It is our aim to provide all our participants with a happy, safe and fulfilling experience when attending Delyn Gymnastic Club.
We hope to help all our gymnasts achieve their potential by raising self-esteem, giving positive feedback and ensuring all our sessions are structured and fun.
We aim for all to work as a team and do not tolerate competitive individual behaviour as every gymnast learns at different paces and all participants have varying skills.
There are different sorts of bullying, but the four main types are:
- Physical hitting, kicking, taking or hiding belongings, including money
- Verbal name calling, teasing, insulting, writing unkind notes
- Emotional; being unfriendly, tormenting, spreading rumours, looks
- Cyber-bullying using social media forms to ridicule or belittle
Bullying is an anti-social behaviour which will not be tolerated in our club; it undermines the confidence, self-esteem and happiness of gymnasts and can lead to lack of concentration, depression and, in some cases, leaving the club.
Any concerns regarding bullying can be reported directly to our Welfare Officer or communicated to the coaches. Concerns will be dealt with immediately. We will listen to ‘both sides’ in private and record information to report to the parents of children involved. We will involve the parents and children in deciding the outcome and any sanctions which may need to take place to ensure the person accused of bullying changes their behaviour.
In cases where bullying continues after warnings and sanctions, the person accused of bullying will be asked to leave the club.
Gymnastics facilities in Wales are only able to open their doors providing they have adequate risk assessments in place and an appointed Covid Officer. As a Club we are to abide by the guidelines set by Welsh Government and Welsh Gymnastics as the NGB. All coaches have attended Covid Awareness Training provided by the Welsh Sports Association and have been trained in house on the operating and cleaning procedures required.
Arrival and Collection procedures
During the session
Cleaning and sanitising
Social distancing
Phased and progressive approach to training and skills
Please DO NOT arrive more than 5 minutes before the start of your session.
Members will be required to line up in line with the markers on the wall/floor – Under 12s must be accompanied by a parent.
Parents can accompany their gymnast up to the entrance but they will not be permitted to enter the building
The coach will then register the gymnasts into the building where they will sanitise their hands, then be directed to an area where they can set down their belongings.
Gymnasts need to arrive ready for their session as changing facilities will not be available.
Hair must be tied back and earrings removed/taped up as coaches will not be able to assist with this.
Please only bring what you need to the session – including a filled water bottle.
At the end of the session gymnasts will dress, and sanitise their hands before leaving the building.
The Coach will dismiss the gymnast to their parent/guardian.
Please ensure that you maintain social distancing whilst waiting to collect your child.
A register will be taken upon arrival by a member of the coaching team.
You will be asked to read a statement in regard to symptoms.
You will then be asked whether you agree or disagree with the statement.
Please DO NOT come to the gym if you are feeling unwell.
Once all gymnasts are in the building the register will then be kept securely.
At Flint High School the sports hall will be separated into 4 areas marked out using the badminton court boundaries. Each area will contain 6/8 gymnasts with one coach each. This brings the total number in the session to a max of 30 and cannot be exceeded according to Welsh Government guidance. Groups will remain the same each week and with the same coach where possible. Within each area gymnasts will be allocated a space to train in-line with social distancing guidelines. Once a warm up is conducted, the gymnasts will be directed to individual stations. Initially large apparatus may not be used due to a progressive approach to training and stations utilised instead.
At Carmel Village Hall one session will run with 12 gymnasts and two coaches. Parents will not be allowed to stay in the building whilst the session is running. Parents will be asked to drop their child/ren off at the main entrance at the start of the session and collect they child from the kitchen/side entrance at the end of the session.
Could we ask that parents try to make sure their child has already been to the toilet before they come to the session to lessen the amount of people using the toilets. We do have the use of the one disabled toilet in the building and our gymnasts can use this if they need to. We will have a one in one out system that can organised by lining up inside the sports hall. At FHS toilets will be managed by the duty building supervisor as far as regular cleaning is concerned.
Gymnasts will be asked to sanitise their hands prior to the session and in between each activity. Where needed, the gymnasts may also be asked to sanitise their hands in between goes on the apparatus once we are able to use them. There will be a sanitising station designated for each group.
If rotations are planned coaches will wipe down equipment between rotations to ensure it is clean for the next gymnast. Following the session coaches will wipe/clean all equipment and pack away securely ready for the next session. FHS and Aura Leisure and Libraries also have their own safe operating and cleaning protocols for the facility. Delyn Gymnastics will adhere to these protocols and incorporate them into our own practices.
Welsh Government guidelines state that social distancing must be adhered to at a 2m distance. In order to ensure we follow this guidance, sessions will be non-contact and the coaches will not be able to support the gymnasts. For under 11’s, the Welsh Government guidance highlights that it is less essential to rigidly maintain a continual 2 meter distance, however as they can still transmit the virus, social distancing should still be adhered to where possible.
Facility capacity - There is a maximum of 30 persons allowed in the FHS sports hall at any one time (this includes the coaches/leaders), gymnast:coach ratios will be adhered to as per BG guidelines. Therefore we cannot permit anyone else into the sports hall whilst our club is in session.
If for any reason social distancing will need to be broken to deal with an injury, the Club is providing the coaches with adequate PPE to deal with the situation. They have gloves, masks and aprons that they will use to reduce the risk of transmission. This PPE is single use and will be disposed of safely after use.
Apparatus can be used provided it has been risk assessed and adequate cleaning guidelines can be put in place. We plan to add in larger apparatus as we progress and develop our sessions.
We will be cleaning all equipment in between rotations and asking gymnasts to clean/sanitise their hands. Where equipment is not as easily cleaned we will have added measures where the gymnast will sanitise their hands between each go on the apparatus or chose not to use this equipment at this current time.
It is important that we have a phased approach both to training and skills upon our return to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our members. There is no timeline to this approach and coaches will regularly assess gymnasts and build their skills and training as appropriate for that participant.
Gymnasts will have had a prolonged period of time away from the training environment and their usual training activity. To ensure safety and to minimise the risk of injury a progressive approach must be taken when considering what activity participants should be undertaking. Physical, psychological and emotional factors may have
changed and should be taken into consideration for each gymnast...for example...
Physical fitness, flexibility and strength Mental readiness to resume activity
Growth and stage of maturation External influences
Your Agreement as a Parent/Carer
In signing below, I the parent/guardian of the aforementioned child, affirm that I have read this form in its entirety and have answered the registration questions accurately and to the best of my knowledge.
I agree to the Codes of Conduct laid out in the above section and am happy to abide by the rules.
I understand that myself and/or my child is responsible for informing the coaches running the session if there have been any changes to my child’s health.
In the event that medical clearance is required prior to my child’s participation in the activity, I agree to contact the GP and obtain written permission prior to commencement, and that this permission be given to the club administrator.
I understand that if the coaches have any concerns about the safety of my child participating in the session then they may require my child to refrain from participation until they deem it safe for them to do so again.